Thursday, September 3, 2015

How Monetizing Blog Up to Hundreds of Millions Even Billions per Month

How Monetizing Blog Up to Hundreds of Millions Even Billions per Month

 "Blogger-blogger is writing complete information, can be accessed without pay, for what?"Then my other friend replied "Maybe again less work, most of the time".... Terrific yes blogger?If you frequently search for information through Google, most of the answer must come from the website in the form of blogs.Indeed
blog is the best online source of knowledge.But the blogger writes information on the internet is not because they are "less work" ...Not because longer idle,But because they can earn money from their blogs.A blogger whose blog has been successfully able to generate more than $ 100,000 or Rp 1 billion each month.... Terrific right blogger?In this guide, I'll tell you how to earn money from a blog and how to make your blog a business.What not to doIn this guide, you will probably find things that are opposed 180 degrees to which may have been (or will) find on other websites.I personally have read more than 100 information about blogging.Most of nonsense and a waste of time.If you just want to earn millions or tens of millions over a long period, you may still be able to follow the old guidelines.But if you want to make the blog as the primary income that can generate hundreds of millions to billions ... follow these guidelines.Therefore, I will tell you what not to do.And what should be done.This is what you SHOULD NOT do.# 1 Do not blogging just to earn a livingWith blogs, we are able to get an income. But if you are not interested in blogging, mending do.Blog it is not the easiest way to earn a living.If you want to earn money, offline business much faster. Please ask those who have succeeded and failed in blogging.Make your blog if it is:1. Like to write2. Likes to learn3. Like to share knowledgeIf you like all three ... then a blog is one of the best ways to earn income.# 2 Do not just be a blogger, be a teacherA blog so successful because the information in it is very useful.You will not be able to be a successful blogger if you put information that is not useful, not original, nothing new, and exciting.Try to think first:If you become a blogger, if you have useful information to share with others?Do you have new information that is currently unknown people?Are you able to provide such information to others?# 3 Do not write the information you do not understandMost of Indonesian bloggers like this:Read information from other websites, and the information is rewritten so the article. It contained the same ... just a word-sentence modified.Guaranteed. Will not succeed.Although the article so there is nothing new because the exact same sentence, but the content of the information is not new.Your blog is not going to be special.So do not create content for a blog that just rewrite. Make the content of the things that you already know.# 4 Do not waste time with SEO(read this for the uninitiated SEO)Blogger was actually no need to bother about SEO.We do need to know about SEO, so we know what really makes a website appear in the first rank in Google.But remember:SEO is not the deciding factor of the success of the blog.The blog success determinants of quality information and how we market it. Then later on our website will automatically get a high ranking in Google.Do not bother with SEO trivial matters such as:1. Speed ​​website2. Templates are SEO friendly3. Mobile friendly4. The tricks backlink complex5. etc.I see from community sites, too many people bother with this.In fact ... a small influence on SEO.Bloggers who do not care about the average SEO actually be more successful than they are busy thinking about SEO.Do one catch ... SEO is important.But 90% of businesses SEO for blogs is located on the content (including marketing) ... and not on the technical as a template, speed, etc. This does also finished 5 minutes.Do not believe?Select one of the biggest blog you know. Then check his SEO score balanced speed of checking the website anywhere up to you.Most of the scores below the average.# 5 Do not create a blog in English without fluent EnglishThis question several times asked to email me by readers PanduanIM:"Mas will make a blog English but I can not English, how are you?"The solution is easy:Do not make.Many people are "forced" to make a blog English only because more readers and higher income potential.It is not wrong ...But without being able to fluently English, it is impossible to make content readable people overseas.As well as any information.# 6 Do not use advertising as a revenue sourceMany suggest monetization with ads like AdSense, because it is easy.But if you want to earn some serious money from the blog, the ad's most recent choice. If other means fail, then we use the ad.The reason?The ad smallest income ratio.Earnings per AdSense click to Indonesia at an average $ 0.04 in CTR or CTR on average below 3%.This means that if we have 10 thousands of visitors a day, who do click on ads is less than 300 people. Then our income was just $ 12 a day.From 10 thousands only $ 12!Now imagine if we sell the product costs $ 10 (including very cheap).Of 10 thousands of people, who bought 0.5% or 50. That means we've been able to $ 500 per day.Far right?Produce 1-10 million per month may be easier to use than product advertising, because it is more relaxed. But if you want more than that, relying on advertising alone will be very heavy.# 7 Do not be thinking income before had 1000 visitors per dayIndeed, there are no rules ... it is only based on experience.1000, the minimum limit.(unless blogs to support the main business)Prior to that extent, the focus used to create content that is useful and get visitors.People who already focus on getting his income is usually confused "why earnings were little aja ya?". Though the reason yes because there are no visitors.But because the focus is wrong, blog development so slow.Do not rush to get the money.The steps to create a blog that is capable of producingThere is one similarity of blogs so successful:The process is not random.Some of you must be thinking "why bother really does make a blog should be set-set".Instead ngatur pretentious, but this is so you do not waste your time doing things that are not much benefit.Even more important:So that you create a blog that does not fail.If you now directly create a blog without any planning, 80% will fail. In vain was the one time that you use to create the blog."Failing to plan means planning failure"Click To TweetThe steps are in fact I have discussed in this guide to create a blog. Below I just stress to the reason why you should do the following things.# 1 Find out what can make others interested (and satisfied)Not only to make them interested in coming, we also have to make them satisfied.Those who are satisfied will recommend your blog to others ... this is what we seek.Let us think for a moment:What makes the visitor interested? What can make them satisfied?When you are looking for some information from Google, then go to one of the websites that appear on the first page. It turns out very little information.Satisfied kah?99% Indirect close tab in the browser ... immediately forget the existence of the blog earlier.Successful blog is not like that.They provide a very satisfactory information so that visitors feel at home reading linger.And they will remember your blog.I'll tell one thing that seems obvious, but many people do not believe me when I say this to them:Can not make them satisfied if you do not understand what you write.In conclusion: create a blog according to your ability.# 2 Find out who would be interested and where they congregateYou've found your ability to attract and satisfy other people ... that alone is not enough.Find out who the person who would be interested.Then look for where people are gathered.An example of this PanduanIM blog:Since my main interest is online marketing, then before creating this blog I have to find a bunch of other people who are also interested in the topic.People who are interested in online marketing typically:• Businessman (online)• BloggerAfter that I searched online communities become a gathering place for both types earlier.What for?Many ...As a source of ideas, potential readers, potential customers, the distribution of content, and they're the ones who will promote your blog.In essence, they are the ones that will make you successful.We will further discuss each.# 3 Discover the main problems theyEarlier I had written that a successful blog is not made at random.Content is created based on the needs of others .....yang actually real.Most bloggers get an idea of ​​the content of two things:1. "cheat" to other blogs2. See the Google search volume Keyword PlannerBoth the wrong way.There are two reasons:First, your content so similar to other blogs that are not prominent. Secondly, you will be in direct competition with them.And because you are imitating the content, then you will not be able to beat them.In fact, by looking at the main issues that really happens, you will find lots of content ideas that are needed but no one has ever makes.In addition, the article will immediately there readers.# 4 Create a blog with ONE main topicShould not be more.If you want to get loyal readers who will buy anything you sell it later, you have to create a blog on a topic.For example, there is one topic of business development blog.Then you subscribe to the blog because you are developing the business and because of the articles in the blog is good.One time a blog was published health articles.Because you are not interested in health, must have felt the article was disturbing.This is what happens on blogs with topics jumbled.You will not have a loyal readership for each topic unrelated it would be a nuisance.# 5 Make the most complete guide of the main problems wasWhat is the minimum required article by a blog to be successful?One.Provided that the article is needed by many people and discussed with very complete.You do not need to publish one article per day to be successful. Make guides were very, very complete addresses a popular issue.1 per week or one per month was already good.Create content that makes your readers expression like this:In the past, I have also affected what people who say that the new blog content to be published a minimum of once a day.As a result, all of its content so it is not qualified.Because the development has only a little time.Then one day I made an article for a very popular topic. Except this time it is much more complete than all the other articles in Google.Finally the article was so rank first in the search results for keywords that large volume.But ... the longer articles just so bully for 1 article earlier.Due to the low quality of the other articles, visitors to the website so I do not think that a good website.Do not publish low-quality content that actually become a burden to your blogClick To TweetTherefore, always create excellent content.# 6 Be a teacher at appropriate community siteBlogger now and the first blogger is different.If the first, bloggers, people who talked about their personal stories. If now, bloggers, teachers ... those that provide knowledge and inspire the reader.As had been discussed:If you want to be a successful blogger, become teachersClick To TweetWhere we have been looking where people are interested in the topic of your blog assemble.Now, was to join the community ...... Not for sale.But to help other members who need the information that you know the answer.The goal:So you are considered an expert.By sharing knowledge, we will be known by many people in the community. They will consider you as a person who understands.On the contrary ... if you campaign so precisely labeled a bully.Once they know you, this is the next step.# 7 Distribute content to their earlier guideSo before it could be promotion, there are several stages before:1. Create a blog with one topic that you control2. Find the right community, and be a teacher there3. Create a detailed guide that solve their problemsAfterwards, we can promote the link to get visitors.Do not miss one stage was ...Skipping one stage only then you will be driven out by others ... and ended up not getting any.# 8 Repeat ... repeat ... repeat ...We will not be an overnight success.All of the above steps need constant repetition. Not one-way.This other guides that can help you develop a blog:1. Guide to SEO2. keyword research guide3. Creating superior content4. Promoting the blog content5. Increase the blog visitors up to 419.16%Revenue source blogWhen the blog we have reached a certain target number of visitors, then we can now think of income.Here are four types of sources of income blog.Sorted from highest potential returns to the lowest.1. Making productsThe product is the best option to earn money from a blog. This is because the benefits of 100% belong to you, not shared with other parties.There are 2 types of products that you can make:Digital and physical.Digital products means products for inside your computer without a physical form.Here are some examples of digital products:1. Ebook2. Video tutorials3. eCourse, online courses4. Webinar (Web seminar)5. Paid Membership6. Photos and audio7. Applications, templates, plugins8. SaaS (Software as a Service)9. Website (buy-sell website)Some examples such as an ebook, video, ecourse, very simple manufacturing process.Almost the same as regular content creation, only in another form.If you are interested in making digital products, follow this guide online business.And here is an example of a physical product:1. Book2. DVD3. The courses / classes4. Creative Products5. Product Manufacturing6. MerchandiseAs a blogger, you should have a long-term plan to make the product ...... Whether it be physical or digital.Blog is an excellent place to promote a product, especially if you already have a loyal reader. They will wait for the product of your faithful.And obviously you have the same product category with a blog.2. Affiliate ProgramThere are also people who do not want to make their own products.The reason is because the troublesome process of manufacture, takes care of the payment, and take care of its customer service.To become an affiliate marketing can be an alternative which is also nice.It works like this:You choose affiliate products to sell. Then you promote the product. When there are visitors who buy from you, then you will get a commission.So we get a percentage of the product price.

There are two ways you can start promoting affiliate products. First, by joining the Affiliate Network. Second, by seeking direct individual affiliate programs that exist.Here are some examples of popular affiliate network:1. Amazon - physical products2. Clickbank - digital products3. ShareASale - a wide range of products and services4. CJ - a wide range of products and services5. Rakuten Linkshare - a wide range of products and services6. WarriorPlus, JVZoo - internet marketing products7. Envato - products for web developers and graphic designRead this article if you want to use blogs to promote affiliate products.In addition to the affiliate program, you can also try CPA Marketing.3. Services or servicesIt could also sell services in accordance with the main topic of your blog.Suppose you have a blog about business management, then you can make training in business management or business management consulting services.Here are some examples of sales of services which can be done via the blog:1. Web developer2. App developer3. Graphic design4. Social media manager5. Speakers6. The coach / tutor7. AuthorPrices of services are usually relatively higher than the product, but there are disadvantages.Products can be folded-double with ease while services can not. That is why many people are now "memprodukkan services".What is that?It means making products based services that he offers.Suppose you have SEO training services ... rather than a training run many times, you can create online courses (which it was recorded)Thus we can provide training to many people at once without repeating the process.There is also a business model disebukan above, namely SaaS.Transform into a software service. For example Mint, the concept is a financial management service. From this concept they create software.4. Publisher adAd what I mean here not only AdSense and other ad networks, there are many other types of ads that you can exploit.Here are some types of ads:1. Pay per Post, paid for each article you write2. Text link advertising a link3. vacancies4. Sponsorship5. Ad Network (AdSense)Instead of AdSense was not a good ...... But the ratio of income from advertising is MUCH smaller than if you sell a product or service itself.So the hard work that you have to do is not be optimal income.Even so, there are conditions where AdSense become the only option:First, if there are no products / services that can be sold related to your blog. For example for a blog that contains content in entertainment.There is no product that can be sold.Another case, if you have more than one blog so do not have time to make many products especially selling services to each blog.In 2 of these conditions advertising becomes the only option.Now it's your turn ...Being a blogger was a very noble job.We provide information that is valuable to others ... for free. We help people to solve the problem by providing a solution.And while doing positive things like that, we get an income.But there are two very unfortunate:First, the job has not been regarded as a professional blogger in Indonesia (and even the world). If you say to others that you work as a blogger, you can not seriously mistaken.Second, the vast majority do it the wrong way.For example by creating content that is duplicated from others.Or use sneaky tricks such as black hat SEO that harm others.For that I need help there ...Be blogger successfully running on the right track. Help others by sharing your knowledge. And avoid the tricks that harm.

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